Systems Survey Maestro has been around since the early 2000’s, supporting thousands of practitioners across the country.
The software idea began in the office of Dr. Greg Krapf, chiropractor in upstate New York, during a meeting with a veteran supplement representative, Bruce Poritzky. Dr. Krapf and Bruce, in addition to talking about other things, discussed the need for doctors to have a tool that could help them better incorporate the Systems Survey into the practice while helping them understand how the supplements worked, and more importantly, how they worked based on the varying health states of a patient. This was probably a common discussion around the country because at that time, there wasn’t a survey analysis that wasn’t a manual process with countless subjective interpretations. Dr. Krapf introduced Bruce to a patient of his, who had a long history and love for whole food supplementation, and of course, just happened to know a little something about computer software and coding. That man was George Greene.
George was a software engineer and under the company title, Greene Software, created custom programs for various companies. With Bruce, they began crafting the structure of Systems Survey Maestro where practitioners could easily use it in their everyday practices. Bruce provided an expert understanding of the supplements and the survey, and they brought in the late Dr. Michael Dobbins for the clinical knowledge of the body systems. Together, they interpreted the survey question by question, building an algorithm for supplement recommendations that is proprietary to the Maestro System Survey software. From there, George designed a user-friendly and intuitive interface, and created a collection of reports for the program that has thus far stood the test of time.
That is where it began, but over the years, other doctors and other product experts have been consulted to make the software even more robust. In 2009, the Internet Entry option was developed to allow patients the ability to enter their own survey responses. In 2016, Blood Chemistry was introduced to evaluate blood work through a functional lens, and with it, its own proprietary algorithm and collection of reports.
George passed away unexpectedly in March of 2021, leaving behind his wife and daughters, six siblings and four grandchildren. He’s remembered as a kind and giving man, with a strong family bond. He loved riding his motorcycle on the curved backroads of the Carolinas, playing tennis several times a week, and enjoying a fine cup of coffee. George was the only voice you heard when you called for software support and the only person who knew and could update the software.
Now his legacy carries on through the family. And although we have retired the original software, the old lives on in the new. We’ve been able to put the right people in place and develop a reimagined Maestro in order to secure this legacy for many years to come.